Topic Measurement Estimated reading: 3 minutes 68 views Measurement comprises of length, area, volume, mass, density and time.Universal System of Units is called system international d’ unites (International System of Units) – SI Units.Below are the major SI UnitsBasic QuantitySI UnitSymbolLengthMetremMassKilogramkgTimeSecondsElectric CurrentAmpereAThermodynamicKelvinKLuminous IntensityCandelaCdAmount of SubstanceMolemolLENGTH– The distance between two fixed points.– The S.I Unit is Metre (M)Derived units are shown belowUnitSymbolEquivalence in MetresKilometreKm1000HectometreHm100DecametreDm10Decimetredm0.1CentimetreCm0.01Millimetremm0.001Micrometreµm0.000001Estimating the length of a treeAREA– Measures the surface area covered by a body– Its unit is m2.Can you convert 15.5M2 to cm2?Solution1m = 100 cm1m2 = 100 cm x 100 cm = 10000 cm215.5 m2 = 15.5 x 10000 cm2= 1550000 cm2Area of a Regular BodyRegular BodyFormulaeSquareL x LRectangleL x WCircleπr2Triangle½bhCylinder2πDhTrapezium½(a+b)hRemember that π = 22/7 or 3.1429Area of an Irregular BodyThe squares must be 1cm2 each.AreaFull Squares = …. cm2½ x Incomplete squares = …. cm2Area = Full Squares + (½ x Incomplete squares)VOLUME– Measures the amount of space occupied by a body– Its unit is m3.Can you convert 4.5m3 to cm3 ?Remember: 1m3 = 100cm x 100cm x 100cm = 1000000 cm3Volume of a Regular BodyRegular BodyFormulaeCubeV = S3Rectangular PrismV = l x w x hV = BhSphereV = 4/3πr3Right Circular CylinderV = πr2hRight Circular ConeV = 1/3πr2hRight Square PyramidV = 1/3S2hNB: Liquids can be measured by putting them into containers with sizes of graduated objects such as Graduate Cylinder, Syringe, Buret and othersVolume of an Irregular BodyIt can be done using a Measuring Cylinder or a Eureka Can.1. Measuring CylinderVolume = Q (V1) – P (V2)2. Eureka CanVolume will be read on the measuring cylinder.MASS– Quantity of matter in a body. SI units is Kilogrammes (Kg)Mass can be measured using:-Top Pan BalanceBeam BalanceLever BalanceDENSITY– Mass per unit volume. Its symbol is rho (ρ). Its SI Unit is Kilogramme per Cubic Metre (Kg/m3)A block of stone has a mass of 140g and is 10cm long, 5 cm wide and 4 cm high. Calculate the density of the stoneSolutionDensity Using a Density BottleThe mass of a density bottle is 20g when empty and 45g when filled with water. When filled with liquid x, its mass is 400g. Calculate the density of liquid x. (density of water 1.0 g/cm3)SolutionRelative DensityRelative density (RD) is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water. It is also known as specific gravity (SG).– If the value is less than 1, it is less dense than water and would float– If the value is equals to 1, it has the same density as water– If the value is greater than 1 it is more dense than water and would sink.Measurement I Quiz 1Question Instruction:Answer the question below.The mass of a 35cm3 of a rare metal was found to be 0.086 kg. Calculate the density of the rare metal in SI Units.Tagged:Form 1MeasurementNotesPhysics KE Topic - Previous Introduction to Physics Next - Topic Force