Topic The Early Man: Cultural and Economic Practices of Early Man Estimated reading: 2 minutes 54 views Summary: In the study of early man, we will seek to answer questions that human beings have always sought to answer about how they appeared on earth, whether they were created and where the universe came from.Cultural and Economic Practices of Early ManCulture is the way of life of a people-Customs, language and social institutions.The things that early humans made and used formed their material culture.Early man’s culture can be understood through study of Stone Age or Paleolithic periodsWhat is Stone Age?This refers to the early period of human history when man’s tools and weapons were mainly made of stone and to some extent – wood and bone.There are three Stone Age periodsOld stone age – Paleolithic period – 4,500,000 to 50,000yearsMiddle stone age – Mesolithic period -50,000-15,000 years.New Stone Age – Neolithic period – 15,000- 1,500 yearsStone AgeThe Paleolithic AgeThe Paleolithic is the longest of all stone ages, covering roughly 2 million years. The hominid species who lived side by side were Australopithecus, Homo habilis and Homoerectus.The Early Stone Age ToolsThe hominids Made tools from stone The Tool Traditions was called Oldowan tools / pebble tools.The tools were named after Olduvai Gorge where they were found.They were made by Australopithecus and Homo erectus.They were also known as pebble tools because they were made of stones.Among the finds at Olduvai were the chopper, fist hatchet (core tools) and several flake tools.Such tools were also found at Kobi For a near Lake Turkana, Omo River Valley in Ethiopia, and Kafu Valley in Uganda, Shaba province in Zaire and in Algeria, Tunisia and morocco.They didn’t have the intelligence to make sophisticated tools, so they may have made tools out of bones that they found.Homo Habilis and the Oldowan TraditionThey made stone tools for chopping, scraping, and cutting.Making of Choppers involved knapping a few flakes off the core.Homo Habilis ChoppersBoth cores and flakes were used.The Knapper could strike a spherical piece of stone until Flake falls off opposite side.The Tool would then be flipped over and procedure repeated.Characteristics of Acheulian Hand AxeIt was Bifacial: both sides were knappedSymmetrical in breadthShaped to a point on one endThe edge is thin and sharpBroad end is curved, but edge is still sharpAcheulian Hand AxeTagged:Cultural and Economic Practices of Early ManForm 1History KENotes Topic - Previous The Early Man: Apes to Homo Sapien Sapiens