Topic Public Revenue and Expenditure Estimated reading: 3 minutes 56 views Sources of Public RevenueIn definition, public revenue is the the money that the government receives from various sources like taxes, fees, and foreign exchange.The various sources of revenue for national government include;Direct taxes like Pay As YouEarn (PAYE), Income tax, Airport tax, Game Park, Museum fees, entrance fees by touristsIndirect taxes: eg. Value Added Tax (VAT), Excise duties, sales taxes, export tax, import tax or custom duties, traffic revenue taxes, investment revenue tax, loan interests, land rates, house ratesLoans from International Financial InstitutionsProfits from parastatalsRevenue charged on government investmentGrants from other foreign countriesSale of government bondsAviation revenueThe various sources of revenue for county governments include;Grants from the national governmentDonations from corporates and wealthy peopleFines from law breakersRates from plots and landLoans from financial institutionsCess- taxes charged on cash crops eg. Tea and coffeeExternal grants from foreign countriesMarket fees collected from tradersExpenditure and Management of Public RevenueGovernments spend revenue in two ways; recurrent and development expendituresRecurrent ExpenditureThis refers to funds used by the government to sustain and maintain the existing facilities and services and may include the following;Wages and salaries for governmenmt workkersPurchase of equipmentPurchase of drugsPurchase of stationaryRepair and maintenance of buildings and roadsDevelopment ExpenditureThis is used in reference to the money that is set aside by government for development projects.It could include the following;The establishment of essential facilities such as schools, colleges, dams, and irrigation projectsInfrastructural development such as roads, air ports, bridges, and port harboursProvision of social services like health and educationFinancial ManagementThe revenue that has been raised in the country should be shared in an equal manner between the national government and the county governments.There are three accounts for financial controls of both levels of governmenmt as follows;Consolidated fund made up of all the money raised or received by or on behalf of the national governmentEqualization fund that receives one half of the total annual revenue to provide basic services in marginalized areasRevenue accounts in different county governments that receive all the money raised or received on behalf of the respective county governmentThe Commission on Revenue AllocationCommission of Revenue Allocation is an institution established under the Constitution of Kenya to assist the government in offering efficient services to the citizens.The commission is given the main responsibility to give recommendations to the Ministry of Finance on how to allocate finances to national and the county governments.The following are the main functions of the revenue commission;Decide the basis for the sharing of revenue raised by the national governmentEncourage fiscal responsibility and financial accountability among the national and county governmentsMake recommendations on how finances should be managed by the county governments as required by the Kenyan ConstitutionSubmit the recommendations to the Senate, the National Assembly, the National Executive, County Assemblies and County ExecutivesDetermine, publish and regularly review a policy which sets the criteria for identifying the marginalized areas.Tagged:Expenditureform 4History KEPublic RevenuePublic Revenue and ExpenditureRevenue and Expenditure Topic - Previous Devolved Government Next - Topic Social Developments and Challenges Since Independence In Kenya