
Darasa Huru

Darasa Huru

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Human Rights

Estimated reading: 9 minutes 117 views

Aspects of Human Rights

Meaning of Human Rights

Define Human Rights

Human rights are basic entitlements that all human beings deserve, and no one should interfere with them. These rights include:

  • Life
  • Ownership of property
  • Education
  • Marriage
  • Health care
  • Housing
  • Equality before the law
  • Security
  • Freedom of association
  • Privacy
  • Freedom of worship

In most countries, human rights are based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and are included in national constitutions as the Bill of Rights, which outlines the rights and freedoms citizens have. Freedom, in this context, means the right to do or say what one wants without undue interference.

Various Aspects of Human Rights

Explain the Various Aspects of Human Rights

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly on December 10, 1948, outlines thirty articles summarizing human rights into three categories:

  1. Civil and Political Rights
    • Rights to life, liberty, recognition, fair and public hearing by an independent tribunal, freedom of movement, freedom of thought, freedom of assembly, and freedom of expression.
  2. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
    • Rights to social security, work, equal pay, education, rest, leisure, and cultural life.
  3. Environmental and Developmental Rights
    • Rights to live in a clean environment free of pollution, rights to wealth and natural resources, self-determination, and peace.

Right to Equality

The Constitution of Tanzania guarantees the right to equality in two parts:

  1. Equality of All Human Beings
    • All humans are born free and equal, with a right to recognition and respect.
  2. Equality Before the Law
    • All people have the right to be treated fairly before the law without discrimination or favoritism.

Right to Life

The Tanzanian Constitution presents the right to life in four parts:

  1. Right to Live
    • Every person has the right to life and to have their life respected by society.
  2. Right to Personal Freedom
    • Everyone has the right to live as a free person, without undue restrictions.
  3. Right to Privacy and Personal Security
    • Every person has the right to be respected and to live and communicate without public attention.
  4. Right to Freedom of Movement
    • Every Tanzanian citizen has the right to move and live freely within Tanzania and to leave and re-enter the country.

Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression is presented in four parts:

  1. Freedom of Expression
  2. Freedom of Religion
    • Every person has the right to choose their religion and practice it freely.
  3. Freedom of Association
    • Every citizen can assemble, associate, and communicate with others and join lawful associations or organizations.
  4. Freedom to Participate in Public Affairs
    • Every citizen has the right to participate in leadership matters, including electing or being elected to public office and making decisions on matters affecting them.

Right to Work

The right to work is outlined in three parts:

  1. Right to Work
    • Every citizen has the right to work and hold any office.
  2. Right to Own Property
    • Citizens have the right to own and protect property.
  3. Right to Fair Remuneration
    • Every working citizen has the right to a fair salary according to their work.

All rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution have their limitations. Citizens who enjoy these rights must obey the laws of the country and consider the rights of others.

The Importance of Human Rights in Our Society

Explain the Importance of Human Rights in Our Society

Democratic societies typically have a Bill of Rights within their constitutions, which guarantees civil, political, social, and economic rights. These rights provide citizens with liberty, equality, and participation in political matters and ensure the provision of basic needs like food, shelter, health care, and education. They also ensure a clean and safe environment, cultural recognition, and political and economic advancement.

Human Rights and the Provision of Basic Needs

Basic needs are essential for survival and include food, shelter, and clothing. Human rights ensure that people have the opportunity to participate in activities that help meet these needs, such as agriculture, business, manufacturing, employment, and education. They also promote societal cooperation to improve living conditions.

The Role of Government and Different Pressure Groups in the Promotion of Human Rights in Tanzania

Evaluate the Role of Government and Different Pressure Groups in the Promotion of Human Rights in Tanzania

The government promotes human rights by recognizing and including them in the Constitution and respecting international human rights obligations. The government also has a commission on human rights and good governance to promote and protect these rights. Tanzania allows a multiparty system, promoting democracy and freedom of expression. Courts uphold legal matters, and NGOs help promote human rights. Notable NGOs include:

  • Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP)
  • Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA)
  • Tanzania Media Women Associations (TAMWA)
  • Tanzania Human Rights and Democratic Development Centre (TAHUDE)

Protection of Human Rights

Protecting human rights ensures they are not abused and are respected. Protection is necessary to regulate government power, promote justice, peace, freedom, democracy, societal participation, and equality. In Tanzania, human rights are protected by including a Bill of Rights in the Constitution, educating the public about civil rights, practicing the rule of law, and having NGOs advocate for changes to oppressive laws. The press also plays a crucial role in informing the public about human rights violations.

Limitations of Individual Human Rights

Human rights have limitations because absolute freedom does not exist; all freedoms operate within certain boundaries. In a democratic society, such limitations should be reasonable, non-discriminatory, and justifiable. The main reason for setting boundaries within which human rights are exercised is to protect the interests of other people.

The Meaning and Purpose of Limitations of Individual Human Rights

Explain the Meaning and Purpose of Limitations of Individual Human Rights

Everyone is free to enjoy their rights, but in doing so, they should not interfere with the rights of others. For example, freedom of speech does not mean a person is allowed to insult others. Here are some examples of limitations while exercising one’s rights:

  • Freedom of Expression: If a person uses abusive language, they can be arrested. An individual’s right to freedom of speech does not include the right to insult others.
  • Freedom of Assembly: This can be limited if an assembly is likely to harm other people.
  • Freedom of Association: People with harmful intentions, such as criminals, cannot be allowed to associate with the public, as their actions may harm others.
  • Right to Personal Freedom: Having the right to personal freedom does not mean one can do things that offend others, such as walking naked.

Activity 3: Discuss with your fellow students if it’s necessary to limit individual human rights.

Human Rights Abuse

Abuse of human rights is the unlawful prevention of a person’s enjoyment of their rights as outlined in the constitution.

The Meaning and Effects of Human Rights Abuse

Parents can abuse the rights of their children by:

  • Denying them education
  • Not providing basic needs, such as food and clothing
  • Forcing their children to marry against their wishes, especially at a tender age
  • Giving their children severe punishment

Society can abuse an individual’s rights through:

  • Beating and killing suspected criminals without a fair trial
  • Abandoning children in the streets
  • Stigmatizing less fortunate members of society, such as the disabled and people living with HIV/AIDS

The government can abuse human rights through:

  • Making oppressive laws that limit individual rights
  • Discriminating against citizens based on race, gender, religion, or ethnic group
  • Not including a bill of rights in the constitution
  • Not maintaining the rule of law

Effects of Human Rights Abuse

Abusing human rights in society can lead to:

  • Conflicts among family members and in the community, leading to unrest and instability due to increased crime.
  • Conflicts between citizens and the government, making it difficult for the government to enforce law and order.
  • Citizens being unable to perform their duties and responsibilities peacefully.
  • Increased crime and poverty in society.
  • Oppression of less fortunate members in society, such as underpaid workers or the poor being denied justice.
  • Citizens being unable to obtain basic needs when the right to work is denied or abused.

Differences Between Limitations and Abuse of Human Rights

Are done when necessary.Are done unnecessarily.
Aim to protect the rights of others.Used for selfish reasons, such as keeping unpopular rulers in power.
Protect the rights of disadvantaged groups such as children, women, and disabled people.Do not protect the rights of disadvantaged groups.
Aim to make people free from the fear of discrimination.Aim to make citizens fearful of their rulers.
Ensure peace and order in society.Prevent people from enjoying their rights.
Allow state organs to conduct lawful acts.Intend to make people ignorant of their rights.
Ensure court judgments are fair and just.Aim to discriminate against people in the court of law.
Prohibit the disclosure of confidential information.Withhold information to make people live in fear.
Differences between limitations and abuse of human rights

Ways to Combat Abuse of Human Rights

  • The government must maintain the rule of law where it is not maintained.
  • The government should educate its citizens about their basic rights so they can claim them when denied.
  • Society must respect all people, including the sick and disadvantaged.
  • Courts of law should enforce the law justly and punish those who abuse the rights of others.
  • There should be a system to control government activities, such as laws to prevent the abuse of power.
  • The government should be transparent in its operations, keeping citizens informed about issues affecting them.
  • All people should be treated fairly and equally before the law, with no discrimination based on race, religion, gender, or status.


Exercise 1: True or False Statements

  1. Human rights are the entitlements that every person has.
  2. Aspects of human rights have been defined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania.
  3. Every person has the right to live and be respected by society.
  4. The constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania does not give all citizens the right to own property.
  5. Civil and political rights do not allow citizens to participate in the political matters of their community.

Exercise 2: Importance of Human Rights and Freedoms

Write the importance of each of the following human rights and freedoms:

  1. Right to life
  2. Right to equal protection by the law
  3. Freedom of expression
  4. Environmental and developmental rights
  5. Social and economic rights

Exercise 3: Questions

  1. What is the purpose of putting limitations on individual human rights?
  2. State three ways in which the government, parents, and societies can abuse human rights.
  3. State three ways in which the abuse of human rights can be combated.

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