Darasa Huru

Darasa Huru

Limitless Potential

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Current Electricity II

Electric Potential Difference and Electric Current Electric current – Electric potential difference (p. d) is defined as the work done per unit charge in moving charge from one point to another. It is measured in volts.– Electric current is the rate of flow

Work Energy, Power and Machines

Energy This is the ability to do work. Forms of energy a. Chemical energy: – this is found in foods, oils charcoal firewood etc.b. Mechanical energy: – there are four types; Transformation and conservation of energy – Any device that facilitates energy transformations is

Newton's Law of Motion

Newton’s first law (law of inertia) – This law states that A body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion unless an unbalanced force acts on it.– Inertia is the property that keeps an object in its state of

Refraction of Light

Introduction to Refraction of Light Refraction is the change of direction of light rays as they pass at an angle from one medium to another of different optical densities Explanation: To investigate the path of light through rectangular glass block.Apparatus: –

Linear Motion

Introduction to Linear Motion – It is the study of motion. It is divided into two. – In kinematics, forces causing motion are disregarded while dynamics deals with motion of objects and the forces causing them. I. Displacement – Distance moved by a

Oxides of Nitrogen

Introduction to Oxides of Nitrogen Nitrogen has a position in second period of group V in the modern periodic table. It has molecular formula N2. It has atomic number 7 and atomic weight 14.08 and its electronic configuration of 2,5.

Organic Chemistry I – Alkynes

Alkynes Hydrocarbons that have two carbon atoms in a triple bond are called alkynes Naming Alkynes These are hydrocarbons with a general formula CnH2n-2 where n is the number of Carbon atoms in a molecule. The C≡C triple bond as the functional group.A functional group is

Organic Chemistry I – Alkenes

Organic chemistry is a subdiscipline of chemistry that studies the structure, properties and reactions of organic compounds, which contain carbon in covalent bonding.

Organic Chemistry I – Introduction and Alkanes

Organic chemistry is a subdiscipline of chemistry that studies the structure, properties and reactions of organic compounds, which contain carbon in covalent bonding.

Colonial Administration

Indirect Rule in Kenya There was the framework of central administration used by the British in Kenya.The British used indirect rule in Kenya.Indirect rule was a British system of administration where African chiefs who were in power before the coming

Agricultural Development

What is Agriculture? Agriculture refers to a fundamental human activity, which i...

Population and Development

POPULATION STUDIES Is the general activities carried out for the purpose of acqu...

Study of Soil

CONCEPT OF SOIL AND SOIL PROFILE Soil appears very complex and thus differe...

Water Masses

GROUND WATER WATER CYCLE Rain falls on the earth surface in filtrates (soaks int...


The Dynamic-Earth And Consequence

THEORIES THEORY OF ISOSTASY Denudation has been going on the continents where to...

Position Behaviours And Structure Of The Earth

GLOBE Is the model of the earth Earth Is ball of rock partly covered by wat...

Photograph interpretation

Photograph are the true image pictures showing truly appearance of the earth’s...

Maps and map interpretation

What is a map? Map is a scaled conventional representation of the whole or any o...

Simple survey and mapping

INTRODUCTION TO SURVEYING Surveying is an art or a science of measuring and reco...

Field research techniques

Definitions of Research – Research is the systematic investigation into a...

Application of statistics in geography

STATISTICS Statistics is a branch that deals with every aspect of the data. Stat...

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