Translation And Interpretation | English Form 5 & 6

Translation is a process by which ideas that are written in one language are represented by words of a different language. Or it is the process was the meaning of expression in one language is turned in to the meaning of

Writing Skills | English Form 5 & 6

Are the abilities that allow you to write effectively and concisely. A competent writer is someone who can explain their point to their audience in a clear and concise manner. ESSAY WRITING What is an essay? Is a short piece

Reading Skills | English Form 5 & 6

Reading is the process of going through written information or piece of work in order to get information or in order to understand the content of the message. Reading is difficult when the reader lacks the skills of reading therefore one

Speaking Skills | English Form 5 & 6

What is Speaking? SPEAKING SKILLS: Speaking is simply the act of talking which maybe in either a formal or informal situation. This kind of speech one would decide to undertake would depend on the relationship one has with audience, also the

Listening Skills | English Form 5 & 6

Listening is ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. It involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences. When we listen we use our ears to receive individual sounds. (Letters, stress,

Translation And Interpretation | English Form 5 & 6

Translation is a process by which ideas that are written in one language ar...

Writing Skills | English Form 5 & 6

Are the abilities that allow you to write effectively and concisely. A competent...

Reading Skills | English Form 5 & 6

Reading is the process of going through written information or piece of wor...

Speaking Skills | English Form 5 & 6

What is Speaking? SPEAKING SKILLS: Speaking is simply the act of talking wh...

Listening Skills | English Form 5 & 6

Listening is ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communi...

Word Formation | English Form 5 & 6

This is the field or branch of morphology which studies different principles or ...

Introduction To Language | English Form 5 & 6

Language is a symbol system based on pure or arbitrary  conventions…...


Form Five and Form Six


Ecology is the study of the interactions between living things, such as humans, ...


EVOLUTION Evolution is  a change in the genetic composition of a population...


Genetics is the study of heredity and variationHeredity- is the passage of chara...

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