Darasa Huru

Darasa Huru

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Marketing Meaning of the Term Market from “Marketing” Define the term “market” from “marketing” Marketing are activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who

Stock Administration

Stock Administration Meaning of the Term Administration Define the term stock administration Are the overseeing and controlling of the ordering, storage and use of components that a company will use in the production of the items it will sell as

Ware-Housing Management

Ware-housing Management Meaning of the Terms Ware-housing and Ware-house Define the terms ware-housing and ware-house Warehousing is the institutional arrangement for the storage of goods i.e. receiving, storing and dispatching the goods to the uses. It is a very important aids

Wholesale Trade

Wholesale Trade Meaning of Wholesale Trade Define wholesale trade Wholesale trade is a form of trade in which goods are purchased and stored in large quantities and sold, in batches of a designated quantity, to resellers, professional users or groups, but not to

Retail Trade

Retail Trade Meaning of Retail Trade Define Retail Trade Retail trade is the sale of goods in small quantities to consumers. OR is a business activity involving buying goods and retailing them to ultimate consumers without changing the physical and

Theory Of Supply

Theory of Supply Explain the meaning of supply What Is Supply? In economics, we have two forces: the producer, who makes things, and the consumer, who buys them. Supply is the producer’s willingness and ability to supply a given good at various

Theory Of Demand

Theory of Demand Meaning of Demand Define demand Demand is willingness (desire) and the ability to buy a certain quantity of a commodity at the going price at a specific period of time. Condition for effective Demand Demand Schedule and


Production Meaning of the Term “Production” Define the term “Production” Production-is any activities, which results in the creation of goods and services in order to satisfy human wants. In economics sense, production is for exchanging, In the general meaning production

The Scope Of Commerce

The Scope of Commerce The Nature and the Subject Matter of Commerce Explain the nature and the subject matter of commerce THE MEANING OF COMMERCE The scope of commerce means areas of study covered in commerce. It comprises the study


Commerce refers to the activity of buying and selling goods and services, especially on a large scale. It encompasses the entire process of exchanging goods or services for money, and it involves various activities like trade, distribution, marketing, and the

Agricultural Development

What is Agriculture? Agriculture refers to a fundamental human activity, which i...

Population and Development

POPULATION STUDIES Is the general activities carried out for the purpose of acqu...

Study of Soil

CONCEPT OF SOIL AND SOIL PROFILE Soil appears very complex and thus differe...

Water Masses

GROUND WATER WATER CYCLE Rain falls on the earth surface in filtrates (soaks int...


The Dynamic-Earth And Consequence

THEORIES THEORY OF ISOSTASY Denudation has been going on the continents where to...

Position Behaviours And Structure Of The Earth

GLOBE Is the model of the earth Earth Is ball of rock partly covered by wat...

Photograph interpretation

Photograph are the true image pictures showing truly appearance of the earth’s...

Maps and map interpretation

What is a map? Map is a scaled conventional representation of the whole or any o...

Simple survey and mapping

INTRODUCTION TO SURVEYING Surveying is an art or a science of measuring and reco...

Field research techniques

Definitions of Research – Research is the systematic investigation into a...

Application of statistics in geography

STATISTICS Statistics is a branch that deals with every aspect of the data. Stat...

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